Author = Ravindranadh Babu, Gutti Venkata
Fixed points of Nesic type contraction maps in Convex metric spaces

Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 1-5

Gutti Venkata Ravindranadh Babu; Gedala Satyanarayana; Palla Mounika

PPF Dependent Fixed Points Of Generalized Contractions Via C_G-Simulation Functions

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 1-16

Madugula Vinod Kumar; Gutti Venkata Ravindranadh Babu

Common Fixed Points of (α,Ψ,φ)- Almost Generalized Weakly Contractive Maps in S-metric spaces

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 17-35

Gutti Venkata Ravindranadh Babu; Pericherla Durga Sailaja; Gadhavajjala Srichandana

Convergence of CR-iteration procedure for a nonlinear quasi contractive map in convex metric spaces

Volume 7, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 82-88

Gedala Satyanaryana; Gutti Venkata Ravindranadh Babu